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Church Address


25 Spring Road


Registration Forms

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Registration Forms


Jesus loves you

Volunteer Registration From
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Our Parish Renewal Program


THANK YOU for your response to our Commitment Weekend by returning pledge cards and Groups & Ministries forms.


If you haven’t pledged yet, additional pledge cards will be available at Mass this weekend which can then be given to the collectors in the Narthex/foyer as you leave Church. We will be following up by email/SMS and/or phone calls to confirm pledge intentions from parishioners who have not yet responded, so to minimise that process kindly complete and return your commitments this weekend.


All new pledge commitments take effect on Sunday 9 October. Confirmation letters and new sets of envelopes will be available at Mass on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October.


We thank you once again for your response.


Click here to download the Parish Groups and Ministries form.


Click here to download the Parish Pledge card.



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